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Portico / Wintermitts
August 8, 2007 @ 5:00 pm
$4About Portico
Greg taught Lyn how to do PCRs in a biology lab in Victoria. Because he thought she was so clever he decided to give her a disc he and his friend Trent had made of their band Pluteous. Lyn thought Greg must be a pretty good drummer but didn’t really care all that much. She moved to Ontario. After one winter of horribly cold snow and grumpy relatives she returned to the coast. She wanted to start a Canadian Rock Band. Meanwhile, Greg and Trent were listless. They had had enough of being in a band without a third and fourth member but could find no recourse. And then one spring morning there it was, an email to Greg from Lyn: Did he want to start a Canadian Rock Band? Maybe his friend Trent would like to play guitar? Many months later they are still together. They’ve practiced, played lots of shows, made a record, and found themselves a little Mimi to play the bass guitar. Sometimes they get stage fright, but not all at the same time. Portico!
About wintermitts
W..nterm..tts are a creat..ve l..ttle genre-bend..ng, fun lov..ng, A.D.D. suffer..ng and hopefully thought provok..ng band from Vancouver, BC, Canada. They take the..r name from a favour..te Jul..e Do..ron song, draw from many trad..t..onal and none mus..cal ..nfluences and feature some of Vancouver’s most radtast..c mus..cal art..sts. They w..ll cont..nue to create mus..c ..n two or more languages and not generally follow the rules unt..l they have reached max..mum awesomeness at wh..ch po..nt they w..ll break for beers. Ou..? Ou..!
June Update: ..t’s 7am on Saturday and ..’m updat..ng th..s. wtf? ahh atleast the sun ..s out ..n Vancouver as summer ..s approach..ng. Speak..ng of Summer we have a sh..tload of happen..ngs. F..RST OFF, our cd release ..s conf..rmed for JULY 14. ..t w..ll be at a pr..vate loft/warehouse venue and we w..ll be shar..ng the stage w..th m..ss Kate Duffy and the Greenbelt Collect..ve. DJ dance party afterwards. address:1622 Frankl..n. SECONDLY, we have a tour wh..ch ..s almost completely booked…so look out k..ds!
The other day we completed f..lm..ng a v..deo, well actually we f..lmed ..t ..n 11 m..nutes but ..t should be out somet..me ..n the next month or so. We w..ll have two m..tts made v..deos up soon! fun v..suals for all:D
Other than that new songs w..ll be posted soon and our cd ..s almost complete. Check out our blog for product..on photos. thanks for be..ng rad. ‘m..ss m..tts
We are ..n the process of plann..ng a summer tour. We w..ll be go..ng as far East as NEW BRUNSW..CK for Sappy Fest and v..s..t..ng every major/non major c..ty ..n between. ..f you’d l..ke to help out ..n any way poss..ble we w..ll be happy to accommodate your so des..re. Tour..ng w..th us ..s a lovely Vancouver band Port..co. ..f you haven’t heard them yet you should.They w..ll also be releas..ng a new record.
byyyyyyyye, ‘m..tts