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Phineas Gauge with Instamatiks and Olivia Korkola

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Phineas Gauge with Instamatiks and Olivia Korkola

March 22 @ 9:00 pm


‘Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments suggested that the structure of water, when frozen, is influenced by emotions and words directed towards it, with positive words and intentions resulting in “beautiful” crystals and negative ones producing “ugly” ones.’

Now this is quite arguably pseudo-science. When I (jess horricks) was in a full bout of Schizophrenic torpor, this and the thought that ‘On average, a human body is made up of about 60% water’, had me by the cajones.

It IS fascinating that we are made up of vibrating molecules and music is further vibration of air molecules colliding with our bodies/ear drums to change our psychological state! Phineas Gauge will be celebrating Water!

A profound substance to say the least. Joining in the celebration, is the Instamatiks, and fiddler on the roof, Olivia Korkola; both lending a set of their fine works to the evening. 1. sentences in quotations are taken from a.i. a la chrome.

Music shall flow languidly on this most hallowed day of reverence to Neptune and all that he over-seas 💦🐙


March 22
9:00 pm
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Polish Combatants’ Association – Branch 1
209 Cumberland St N
Thunder Bay, ON P7A 4N2 Canada
+ Google Map
(807) 345-1861